Citizens' Police Academy |
The Citizens' Police Academy (CPA) is a program designed by former Police Chief Kenny Bell to build a relationship with the community and give citizens an inside view of the day-to-day operations of the Van Buren Police Department. The CPA is a 10 week program which meets one time each week for 3 hours and also one Saturday at the firing range. Some of the topics covered include: Hiring Procedures, Department Structure, Crime Scenes, Sex Offender Registration, K9, Dispatch, Animal Control and Code Enforcement, DWI, Traffic Stops, The Court System, Cyber Crimes, Narcotics, Defensive Tactics and more. We also tour the police department and jail, and citizens will have a chance to ride along with an officer during a patrol shift. We hold one class in the Spring from Mid February to the end of April and another class in the Fall from Mid September to the end of November. Persons who complete the course will be given a certificate of completion. THEY ARE NOT GIVEN ANY LAW ENFORCEMENT AUTHORITY. Qualifications: Live in or work in Van Buren or be involved in an organization in Van Buren, be 18 years of age or older, have no felony history, pass a background check, and be willing to commit to the 10 week program.